One of those Long Days

8:10 PM I took a nap a little while back and now I'm in front of my laptop typing away as I take a bites from my chocolate bar and often take swigs from my water bottle. It was a long day.

My day started relatively early as I was required to report to work by 7:30 am. The challenge of getting started means having to restart standard procedures and work routines. The schedules were not yet distributed and personnel and facilities were not yet ready yet one needs to work with the facilities that was available. The day went on and classes were through with assignments successfully given out.

Lunch was a welcome break. I am thankful for it for over the meal, we have shared stories of old. I miss this kind of relaxed conversations, the ones where you reminisce yesteryear for it has its own charm amidst being part of the past.

Traveling to the province capital on a hot day was not what I was looking forward to in the later part of my day. The 45-minute commute felt longer than it normally did for I was sleepy and part of the way I was under direct sunlight! Luckily, the moving bus provided enough air to keep me from sweating so much. As I got off the bus, I made my way to a government office, where I was instructed to go from one person to another, from one place to another just to acquire a single piece of paper. The transactions as I have observed could have been made more efficient if only the personnel had little empathy towards their clients.

In the end, I had acquired the paper and the knowledge that fortifies my perception of such a government office--bureaucracy is deeply rooted in our society. As I commute home, retirees were loudly chatting away as if they own the public transport.

I sighed. I was tired. It was a long day.

Lord, grant me patience to work through the many challenges of everyday work and living. 

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